• Ensuring cultural heritage with cutting-edge technologies

  • Harnessing IoT for dynamic monitoring of fire safety factors

  • Utilizing BIM technology for fire protection

  • Effective development of risk response scenarios


Development of tools and techniques for assessing the level of fire safety in historical buildings that are part of cultural heritage, using Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.


Innovative platform utilizing IoT and BIM technologies for dynamically recognizing the fire risk in historical buildings.

Reliable and timely assessment of building fire safety measures through Dynamic Fire Safety Model (DFSM).

Effective enhancement of fire protection measures through the application of improvement scenarios that leverage building data.



Real-time assessment and monitoring of critical parameters for building fire safety through an integrated management environment.

Strengthened security by activating alerts for danger indicators and recommendations for improving building protection measures.

Organization and training of building personnel through the creation of risk response scenarios, promoting a sense of security.



The BIM4Cult system is being piloted in the historical building of the Municipal Palace in the city of Ioannina. The building has been recognized as a work of art by the Ministry of Culture since 1979 (Ministerial Decision ΥΠΠΕ/16546/685/11-4-1979 - Government Gazette 538/Β/4-6-1979).

The building of the Municipal Palace serves as an administrative space for certain key functions (Mayor's office, President of the Municipal Council, General Secretary, etc.), while the ground floor houses the Municipal Council chamber and exhibition space.